The Volume CD series is probably best described as a magazine with a CD soundtrack. They were published from September 1991 to January 1997, ending at a special 2-disc Volume 17. Since they are published in the UK, it was generally really expensive to get them on import (it's not uncommon to find them new at $20 to $30). What makes them special (besides the cool booklet feature), is that the tracks are usually demos, alternate version, or remixes, exclusively on Volume.
Although the series started off as mostly British indie rock, it was clear that music in England had started to branch off to two distinctive sounds: Britpop and Trance/Techno dance. So Trance Europe Express was made in September 1993. It was so successful, it was followed up by three sequels, plus Trance Atlantic, TEXTure (remixes compilation), and Wasted.
I was surprised to find Wasted at Amoeba for $2.95. This is a two-disc (30 songs) that was kind of the techno answer to their Britpop compilation, Sharks Patrol These Waters.
This song I have chosen is Tricky's "You Don't" (sung by Martine). It originally appeared in Volume 10.
Trivia: Tricky appeared as a henchman to Gary Oldman's character in the movie "The Fifth Element" (1997).
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