Yes, it seems Bright Eyes is all the rage these days. He's sold-out his two appearances at First Avenue in Minneapolis, which is not an easy feat. Anyway, I know the entire Bright Eyes band showed up a few nights ago at the 400 Bar, but I only saw Conor Oberst spinning CDs. Apparently, Laura Burhenn was also there.
When not playing in Bright Eyes, Burhenn has her own band, the Mynabirds. They released What We Lose in the Fire We Gain in the Flood last year, and reports is that she's working on a new record.
I can only speculate that the album will be released under Bright Eye's record label, Saddle Creek.
Wildbirds & Peacedrum is a Swedish band, with already three albums under their art-pop belt. Their latest is called Rivers and it was released last year under The Leaf Label, but here in the United States, it looks like The Control Group is handling the album.
They are excited to announce that they are going to be touring this Summer. The Control Group is giving away "Fight for Me" as a free download.
May 30 Toronto ON – Drake Hotel
May 31 Montreal QC – La Sala Rossa
Jun 01 Cambridge MA – TT The Bear’s
Jun 03 New York NY – Mercury Lounge
Jun 04 Brooklyn NY – Music Hall of Williamsburg
Jun 05 Philadelphia PA – Johnny Brenda’s
Jun 06 Washington DC – Black Cat Backstage
Jun 07 Chicago IL – Empty Bottle
Jun 09 Seattle WA – Triple Door
Jun 10 Vancouver BC – Waldorf Hotel
Jun 11 Portland OR - Doug Fir Lounge
Jun 13 San Francisco CA - Café Du Nord
Jun 15 Los Angeles CA - The Satellite
Follow that Bird is one of three bands releasing music under the Mt. Fuji Record label for Spring 2011.
I don't know much about Follow That Bird, except it looks like two ladies and one dude. Their Mt Fuji debut is a single called "Wooden Bones", out on 7" vinyl and digital.
I was not provided the cover artwork for Wooden Bones, so I'm sticking a photo of the band here. More details on mtfujirecords.com
I am told that their song "That Mountain is a Volcano" went as high as #9 on The Hype Machine's chart.
As fleeting as that sounds, it's still probably worth checking out. I find that Hype Machine people are only interested in dancey/electronica music*, so I'm almost thinking Eureka Birds are of that flock.
Their new 6-track EP is available as a free download on music.eurekabirds.com, so check it out.
Apr 09 The Village Church - Baltimore, MD
Apr 23 The Creek and the Cave - Long Island City, NY
May 05 Golden West Cafe - Baltimore, MD
May 09 Cafe Nola - Frederick, MD
* Singer Justin Levy adds, "There's nothing dancey about us. That's why it was interesting that we made it up on hype!"
I've previously mentioned Bewitched Hands, aka The Bewitched Hands On the Top of Our Heads before, them calling out their "unconventional capitalization" of their name.
They just played SXSW 2011 and looking to release a new album, Birds and Drums, to be released on May 24th.
NPR stated "One of the bands that stood out to us was The Bewitched Hands" and Chicago grouped them together with "big" bands like Broken Social Scene and Polyphonic Spree.
Apr 8 Festival Garorock Marmande, FRANCE
Apr 9 Le Fuzz Yon La Roche Sur Yon,FRANCE
Apr 23 Le printemps de Bourges, Bourges, FRANCE
May 20 Maifeld Derby festival, GERMANY
May 21 Kiff Aarau, SWITZERLAND
May 28 Bikini festival - Esplanade du port, FRANCE
Jun 4 Festival algues aux rythmes Arradon, FRANCE
Jul 16 Les Francofolies La rochell, FRANCE
Jul 22 Festival Le grand Souk, Riberac, FRANCE
Jul 23 Paleo Festival, Nyon, SWITZERLAND
Aug 19 Frequency Festival, St Polten, SWITZERLAND
Terror Bird wants us to download "Second Bird of Paradise" via Pitchfork.
The song comes from The Rosebuds upcoming album, Loud Planes Fly Low, out June 7th on Merge Records. One critic called the album the "most inventive" to date.
Full tracklisting below.
2. Limitless Arms
3. Second Bird of Paradise
4. Come Visit Me
5. Without a Focus
6. Waiting for You
7. Woods
8. A Story
9. Cover Ears
10. Worthwhile
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