The show was advertised as Gary Louris and Friends. For those that don't know Gary, he is one of the founding members of the Jayhawks. They have a new CD coming in September, which involves the reunion with Mark Olson.
The show was in a small theatre in St Cloud, Minnesota, which is about an hour out of Minneapolis. The theatre has good acoustics and was very intimate. To his credit, it was only $8 ticket.
Tonight's show was an opportunity for Gary to focus on solo material, plus material from the Jayhawks after Mark Olson left. To me, that is their best period. Less alt country and more pop songs.
Gary came out and played solo and then was joined by Jim Boquist (formerly of Son Volt) for 30 min. Then came Tim O'Reagan, Karen Grotberg and Mark to join in for the next 90 minutes. Material covered included songs from the three releases from that period. Additionally, they threw in two Beatles covers ("This Boy" and "Dig a Pony").
It was one of the best shows I have ever seen. The band was loose, having fun, and the harmonies were amazing. They close the set with the Badfinger song "Without You", best known from Harry Nillson's cover; was the best. Gary has the range, and you can tell loves the song. It was a real treat to see.
The show was in a small theatre in St Cloud, Minnesota, which is about an hour out of Minneapolis. The theatre has good acoustics and was very intimate. To his credit, it was only $8 ticket.
Tonight's show was an opportunity for Gary to focus on solo material, plus material from the Jayhawks after Mark Olson left. To me, that is their best period. Less alt country and more pop songs.
Gary came out and played solo and then was joined by Jim Boquist (formerly of Son Volt) for 30 min. Then came Tim O'Reagan, Karen Grotberg and Mark to join in for the next 90 minutes. Material covered included songs from the three releases from that period. Additionally, they threw in two Beatles covers ("This Boy" and "Dig a Pony").
It was one of the best shows I have ever seen. The band was loose, having fun, and the harmonies were amazing. They close the set with the Badfinger song "Without You", best known from Harry Nillson's cover; was the best. Gary has the range, and you can tell loves the song. It was a real treat to see.
Gary Louris & Friends at Paramount Theater, St Cloud (06/11/11) |
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