Featured Guests
Scott Beaderstadt,
John Bivens, Andy Brase, Drew Brockington, Zander Cannon, W.C. Carani, Keith Champagne,
Steve Fastner,
Otis Frampton,
Paul Fricke,
Ale Garza,
Dan Jurgens, Ryan Kelly,
Kickliy Yilkcik, Peter Krause,
Rich Larson, Ant Lucia, Clara Meath, Tom Nguyen
Gordon Purcell,
Jason Walz,
Dave Wheeler,
Jin Wicked
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What that means is that it’s a little cheaper ($10 for Fallcon vs $15 for Springcon), but there are no comic book panels (who cares, because we saw some panels in May 2015 and it sucked). Take it from me, you’re not missing anything.
There were fewer comic book guests and limited to artists or writers from around the area. However, I would have to add that this year, they got Dan Jurgens back at their shows (not really sure why he stopped going).
The room was also smaller, with less dealers, and possibly less attendees (although attendance has always been strong for these shows).
Prices and inventories were based on dealers, so you may find something for $10 at one vendor and later see the same thing for $20. I recommend walking around and making notes of prices. Dealers are more inclined to cut you some deals, which personally, I’m terrible at haggling.
Since it’s based on independent sellers, they don’t all accept credit or debit cards… so your best bet is to bring cash. And also bring your own bags, as many dealers don’t have plastic bags for your purchases.
Since we never arrive early enough, the 300 free grab bags were all gone. What I love about what they’re doing now (I haven’t attended in four years so this might have changed recently) is putting out free comic books on freebie tables located near the bathrooms. They go quickly, so I’m assuming they re-stock these tables every hour or so.
The other (minor) complain is that parking was a little difficult due to the HPB and Twin Cities Oktoberfest also taking place in the same area. We eventually found parking, but it was a bit far to walk to the Fallcon entrance.
MSP Comicon at Minnesota State Fair, St Paul (05 Oct 2019) |
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