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However, if you prefer the segments broken down, you can update your podcatcher to through the feed (although if you go the main page, you're presented with a variety of options, including email alerts). Personally, I prefer the really long shows, but now you have an alternative. Plus, I think gcast's server's a lot faster in downloading the MP3 files.

Download Segment (18 mins) ♥
Gladshot is from New York.� We spoke to Mike Blaxill and Debbie Andrews regarding their album Burn Up & Shine. You can buy the album in various methods on their website via iTunes, etc.
After hearing the recorded interview on edit, I didn't realize that Mike was sick!
They will be appearing live at Fontana’s in New York on 12/03/2008.
We talked about:
- How Mike met Debbie (stalking apparently works)
- Gladshot's non-history name
- Burn Up & Shine compared to their previous two albums
- Cover art, based on Simplicity Patterns
- Guest musicians pitching in to help play on the album
- Practicing and playing around in New York
- My misunderstanding of "1961"
- "Fabulous Friends" video and single. The story behind the song--it's in reference some famous fashion designer and her entourage.
- They wanted to say "hi" to Minnesota's The Wars of 1812 (unfortunately it didn't fit anywhere on the interview, so I threw it as a bonus outtake at the end).
Download Segment (34 mins) ♥
We previously mentioned Darkroom and I was more than happy to have them back on to talk about Some of These Numbers Mean Something.
I actually didn't think this interview was actually going to happen because an hour prior to our scheduled session, I noticed I didn't have any contact information for the band (e.g. their skype ID or telephone numbers). I was a little unprepared for the whole thing, but I quickly realized I actually didn't even need to ask anything as Michael Bearpark and Os carried on like professional interviewees and volunteered some great answers.
The interview actually ran a little too long, but is well worth a listen:
- "Darkroom" is a common name, is this a concern
- Their influences from the early days (electronica); apparently they had a standard singer/guitarist, but their singer left the band after the second album.
- The current project is Darkroom, a collaboration between Mike and Os - a mostly ambient, atmospheric sound.
- Modern recording technology
- bringing back the gated snare
- The Concorde airplane on the cover art
- "The Valley Of Ten Thousand Smokes"
- The name and its significance for the album title Some of These Numbers Mean Something
Download Segment (19 mins) ♥
This was a great experience: five cell phones, one call! I think that this was a first on W♥M Radio (to have that many people on conference).
I thought I would get confused about who was who but�it was easy to identify who was doing the talking. Thank you to Megan for making this happen, Steve, Joe, Trevor and Dan.
At one point, I thought one of the band members got pulled over by the police! Although I'm glad that didn't happen, part of me thinks that would make exciting radio, don't you think?
- Last night's show at The Fire in Philadelphia
- Joe and his Lap Steel
- Recording two songs per month's experiment and pricing structure.
- "The Odd and the Even"
- the two "Not Come Around" songs
- Being on
- "The Family Dark"
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