Prince Piano and Mic-Photo courtesy Princestagram Read More
“So Far, So Pleased” – not only a song title from a 1999 album, but the general way most Prince fans (or fams as they are called) are feeling of late, about the Purple One’s output to start this calendar year.
New Music
After releasing HITnRUN Phase One (NPG/Univeral Records) last September, an electronic-tinged album collaboration with producer Joshua Welton that was met with mixed reviews, the follow-up and 39th (!) studio album, HITnRUN Phase Two (NPG Records) was more of a solo affair and return to the rock, funk, and brass sound most recognize him most from.
Released digitally in mid-December, Phase Two was met with generally positive reviews, with Rolling Stone calling the record “his most consistently engaging album in years” and embodying “what he does best”.
Ever a believer in artist’s creative rights and eliminating the middleman where possible, Phase Two was initially released digitally to paid subscribers of the Jay Z-led streaming online site, Tidal, where Prince had already contributed the upload of most of his catalogue, a Purple Pick song of the Week, and partial live stream of a Rally4Peace concert.
After being disappointed with sales numbers and record company distribution efforts for Phase One, he turned to Twitter to ask fans’ opinions on a new way of distributing the current album to those waiting for a physical copy and has taken a street level, targeted approach to getting the hard copies out in the wild.
Yesterday, they were delivered to a local Minneapolis record store and NPG has also allowed select members of the Purple Community to buy in-bulk wholesale, to resell at a fair price to their friends and contacts.
Results of this experiment are yet to be determined, but odds are he will also cut a direct deal with a few major chain stores (Target, Best Buy, both HQ’d locally) to eventually sell there as well.
Paisley Park After Dark
What started out as a semi-regular series of late night affairs of dance party get-togethers at Paisley Park in suburban Chanhassen, MN spotlighting local and a few national artists (always overshadowed by a “will-he-or-won’t-he-play” mystery); for 2016, these PPAD nights have been more organized and defined.
The usual mystique of learning of a show often on the day-of, has thankfully been replaced by actual advance notice, even with several weeks heads-up regarding his recent Piano and a Microphone performances on a Thursday January night, that allowed the ever-faithful appropriate time to book travel and hotel, many coming over from Europe and the Far East.
A planned European solo tour of this configuration was scuttled in lieu of scalpers selling tickets at inflated prices before they had even gone on sale, and the Paris attacks on Bataclan, which shook music goers everywhere.
The result was Prince announcing two solo special performances at his own place with the early and late solo shows being very different, stark, and intimate. The earlier 8pm show had songs being played in a (mostly)linear timeline and was perhaps his most personal and revealing set ever, though both shows received glowing reviews.
The Time and Back in Time
Following up those piano shows with performances from Larry Graham and local prog-funk outfit PHO as well as a DJ night, THIS FRIDAY continues the PPAD series with a rare appearance at Paisley Park from the current incarnation of Morris Day and the Time as well as rising songstress and Grammy winner Judith Hill, who had her debut album, last year’s Back in Time, recorded at Paisley and was produced by Prince.
Advance sales (once unheard of for these gatherings) are available at new site which uses the reliable and trustworthy Songkick/Crowdsurge software to process these ticketless transactions, and from all reports at the piano shows, was problem-free at check-in.
The Future
What else is to come in 2016? Only the Purple Yoda knows, though he’s off to a good start – it’s often hard and requires patience to be an ongoing Prince fan (or fam), but 2016 is paying off in dividends so far.