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We've already established that I am a fan of John Constantine, owning nearly a complete run of the original Hellblazer series. I've been fairly excited about the NBC live action television show, but I may be in the minority since it's not getting the same fanfare as Gotham or The Flash.
I'm going to break down the characters in the series tie to the comic books, since I'm familiar with the source material.
If you're watching for music, Episode 3 has a lot of music, from the delta-blues inspired story of Robert Johnson to referencing John Constantine used to be in a punk band called "Mucous Membrane". He is also seen listening to "I Wanna Be Sedated" by the Ramones and later "Anarchy in the UK" by the Sex Pistols.
Anyway, here are some characters who appeared in the comic books:
Episode 1: Non Est Asylum
John Constantine: They got the character's look just right (British guy in a trench coat). He's into the dark arts and practice magic/slight-of-hand, but he does not have any supernatural abilities... He's just a con man, who regularly trick demons and devils. I also feel that the character is better set in London, but the way the show is going, it would seem they are following the Supernatural path by tackling a demon of the week and in random small-town USA.
Liv Aberdine: apparently only exists for the pilot, as her character is not in the books and she does not resurfaced (at least in the first three episodes).
Chas Martin: in the TV show, they make it out like he has some powers to keep him alive.... but in the books, he's just a friend and cab driver.
Ritchie Simpson: I love seeing this character from the comic book, yes he's a computer hacker/computer guy who practice "Quantum Magic". I know his fate from the comics, so I hope Simpson shows up again in a future episode.
Astra Logue: The main difference is that she's white and missing an arm in the comics. We see her semi-regularly as a haunt for John and his sins from Newcastle. I'm going to assume she'll play a big part for the season finale, as it is a very important part of John's history.
Manny the Angel: Although angels and demons are not uncommon in Hellblazer universe, I don't recall the angel "Manny". I believe he was created specifically for the show. Perhaps his character is supposed to be Gabriel (who also appeared in the movie version of Constantine, magnificently played by Tilda Swinton).
Episode 2: The Darkness Beneath
Zed Martin: We finally get to meet her. In the show, they make her more like a psychic looking to help John. They made her an artist (which you can see that they've used Hellblazer covers by Dave McKean, Sean Phillips, Glen Fabry, and Tim Bradstreet - see screen grabs below, along with my corresponding comics), but I don't think she did art in the comics... but confession, I haven't read the comics in a while. I know they are on/off lovers.
Ellis McGee: I think this is a character created for this story... although John knows several priests in the comic, Ellis could potentially play a bigger part later in the series (especially because they made it seem like he knows the old Celtic magic spells.) Also, could be a nod to writer Warren Ellis, who took over Hellblazer near the end of the series.
Episode 3: The Devil's Vinyl
Willie Cole: This character is obviously inspired by the urban legend of Robert Johnson (who some people say he made a deal with the devil to become a famous musician). The Johnson story is actually pretty well known, even Supernatural series did a story on Johnson.
Anton: I don't remember the names from the comic book, but there was this demon who employed lesser demons as soul brokers. They would draft contracts and buy and sell and trade souls on this demonic stock exchange.
Papa Midnite: This is a voodoo priest from the comic book. Knowing that he plays a major role in the comics, expect to see Midnite in future episodes. I wish he would wear that white coat and hat that we first see him in Hellblazer #1.
Again, this is just on the first three episodes of Constantine. I love it, but I know that it's not a show that people are watching (or liking).
As a fan of the comic book, I am looking forward to more familiar characters. Also, would love to see "Son of Man" brought to life (the original story was written by my favorite Hellblazer writer Garth Ennis).
Below are the Hellblazer comic covers from Episode 2.
I'm going to break down the characters in the series tie to the comic books, since I'm familiar with the source material.
If you're watching for music, Episode 3 has a lot of music, from the delta-blues inspired story of Robert Johnson to referencing John Constantine used to be in a punk band called "Mucous Membrane". He is also seen listening to "I Wanna Be Sedated" by the Ramones and later "Anarchy in the UK" by the Sex Pistols.
Anyway, here are some characters who appeared in the comic books:
Episode 1: Non Est Asylum
John Constantine
art by Glen Fabry
Chas Martin
art by John Ridgeway
Ritchie Simpson
art by John Ridgeway
art by Sean Phillips
art by Steve Dillon
Zed Martin
art by John Ridgeway
Papa Midnite
art by Dave McKean
Below are the Hellblazer comic covers from Episode 2.
Hellblazer covers, as seen on Constantine |