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You've all heard the news now, Nelson Mandela passed away at the age of 95 today, Thursday.
After spending 27 years in prison for opposing apartheid in South Africa, he emerged to become the country's first black president.
Many musicians called for Mandela's release, including the Specials, who recorded a song called "Free Nelson Mandela".
10:16 PM - 5 Dec 13
Gloria Estefan
10:12 PM - 5 Dec 13
The death of Mandela was important to Paul Simon, as you know after Simon & Garfunkel broke up, Simon traveled to South Africa where he embraced the lifestyle and culture of the land and inspired one of his best albums, Graceland.
After spending 27 years in prison for opposing apartheid in South Africa, he emerged to become the country's first black president.
Many musicians called for Mandela's release, including the Specials, who recorded a song called "Free Nelson Mandela".
10:16 PM - 5 Dec 13
Nelson Mandela RIP
10:12 PM - 5 Dec 13
RIP Nelson Mandela, who truly changed the world with his was an honor to have been in his presence.
"Mandela was one of the great leaders and teachers of the twentieth century. He conceived a model for mortal enemies to overcome their hatred and find a way through compassion to rebuild a nation based on truth, justice and the power of forgiveness. His passing should reignite a worldwide effort for peace."
-- Paul Simon on Nelson Mandela's passing, December 5, 2013