Dream Bitches are a folk-pop group from New York. They have a sophomore album, Coke-and-Spiriters coming out on May 20th, and just by noticing their cover of Belle & Sebastian's "Me and the Major", I can already tell you that I will absolutely love this band.
Their version feels more like a singalong, with some great guitar playing. The original song is a gobful of fast-singing lyrics, so I'm glad to see that they manage to pull off the cover without mangling the lyrics. I mean, try saying "me and the major comes from different worlds, but if I get stuck in the lift its always with a toff", especially if you have no idea what a toff is.
B&S aside, this band is really between two BFF, Yoko Kikuchi and Ann Zakaluk. They started making music as Black Molly, and listening to Coke-and-Spiriters I get the impression that they have this really cute sense of humor. For instance, "Sweet Anneth" tells the story a girl who accidentally had 16 children, all the result of that she "sips cider through a straw". That probably didn't make sense to you, but that's the punchline.
Although, from my understanding, that this album has more of a fuller sound (with the addition of Casey Holford - the only boy, Julie DeLano - the bass, and Jen Knee - drums), and certainly songs like "Maniacal Mechanic" and "Hierarchy Island" really shows this off. However, surprisingly, I much more prefered the acoustic song, such as "Bronxy Marie" and "Spoke on a Wheel", that mostly centers around Yoko's vocals (hey, that rhymes).
The album ends with "Way to Go", a "serious" song, but with a Dream Bitches nerdiness, of course. Lyrics like "I'll be your Silver Surfer" and "We will hold hands/but only under the table/I will be your Soup of the Day" definitely deserves thumbs up from me.
By the way, there's also a hidden track, about Sammie Thompson, so be sure to stay after the credits roll.
Coke-and-Spiriters is out next Tuesday on RIYL Records, any fans of cute duo-singing and lyrically-obsessed fans should want this album in their collection.
Links: www.dreambitches.org