Triple J's Hottest 100
It's basically an Australian tradition, a relatively new one, I grant you, but if an Australia Day passed that I, at least, wasn't sitting next to the radio (or had one blaring loudly so that I could hear it in my beer drinking position), I would feel somewhat dirty!
A little explanation behind the whole principle... Triple J, Australias government funded "youth" radio station, each year holds an election of sort, for the top 100 songs released in the previous year. This is thoughtfully names the "Hottest 100". Each January 26th, we sit down and intently listen from about 10am to about 6pm as Triple J plays the songs one by one, starting at #100 and slowly working their way to #1
Whether you are working (unfortunate for you being a public holiday and all), driving, eating, playing Yahtzee, jelly wresting in an inflatable pool down at the local beach, plying boule whilst someone supplies you with beverages and cooks a BBQ... it's somewhat blasphemous (in my eyes) not to have the radio tuned in.
I must admit, that this year, having recently started a new job and not being able to have the radio blaring all day every day, I have fallen behind when it comes to new music. So i was a little lost, in fact many of the songs that made it up there this year, i had never heard before.
Now, if you'll kindly cast your eyes to the left, you'll see the final list and because I'm biased, I have highlighted the Australian artists in bold.
It's quite interesting to actually look at what makes it in each year, because basically, it's the favourite songs of a large proportion of Australia's "youth". For instance, but looking at the list, you see that more than half of the songs are by Australian artists. This is frankly, quite awesome to see. But at the same time reflects the fact that Triple J does a great job of promoting local artists.
Focusing on the top 10. I guess you could say that the songs were pretty much all expected to be up there.
The Panics - winners of a JJJ award for their album "Cruel Guards" another of the volumous brilliant bands that come out of Perth (my theory is because there's not a great deal else to do there).... *ahem*
Daft Punk have had a massive come back this year just passed (not that they really ever completely went away). I too agree that they're quite awesome in the realms of electronica, but another case of "i like your old stuff better than your new stuff" exists in my heart for these guys.
Faker - well... i've said all I need to say about Faker. but i admit, appealing to the vast masses by giving them that standard brand of rock that is by no means, bad.... just boring.
Both Silverchair and the John Butler Trio made several appearances throughout the day. And deservadly so.
The only similarities between these two bands is that they are based in Australia, pump out some crazily catchy tunes and have singers who could well be mistaken for hippies. Although I must say that anyone who grows up in the Australian coastal city of Newcastle, as is the case for young Daniel Johns (and myself) and doesn't turn out as a surfy wanker, it's thumbs up from me. It was easier for me being a hater of sun, sand and also being female.
I can't say i'm a big John Butler Trio fan, but talentless they are not. Their songs are well constructed and meaningful.
In the case of Silverchairs' 'Straight lines', more than one person had picked this as being the number 1 song for the day. I was inclined to agree. In my opinion, there were not obvious stand out songs of 2006.
So when i came time to huddling round the radio, beer in hand, to find out what that number one song was, we were all in quite a state of confusion. What other bands had released albums in 2007?
No idea.
And I must say, the fact that Muse came in at #1 was a huge surprise. Considering that their latest album, Black Holes and revalations, was relased in 2006.
Oh well.... another year over.
You can listen to it here, if you so desire.
So remember, no matter where you are in the world you are this coming December, voting is open to everyone! So start writing down the names of those catchy songs now.
Have a good one! Sal
p.s. you ca listen to JJJ online... just pop in here.