Here are the Top 7 most talked about musicians on W♥M (based on tags).
The winner is Morrissey (14 tags) and The Smiths (11 tags), which is all my fault as every possible opportunity presents itself - I will mention the great Mozzer.
Radiohead came in second with 11 tags, obviously because of the news they generated by giving away their album, In Rainbows for any price you can afford.
Belle & Sebastian also made a few appearance, mostly because I love them and they recently gave away "Are You Come Over for Christmas" as an xmas gift.
And as usual, Stars are heavily covered by a few of us. Most recently appearing as a Top 7 Concert and also Most Favorite song with 15 people marking "This Charming man" cover as a favorite.
Blur made some appearances, with some stories such as Blur to finally reunite with Coxon? and Blur Drummer Running for Office in London. By the way, Dave Rowntree didn't win the election.
Obviously we're all big fans of 80s alternative, so it's really no surprise that The Cure made it on the list.
Shockingly, Avril Lavigne made it on this list with over six mentions. It started with The Rubinoos suing Lavigne over her "hey hey you" bit in her hit song "Girlfriend".
For a comparison, I suggest you head over to The Rubinoos vs Avril Lavigne and listen for yourself (they sound nothing alike).
12/29/2007 15:01:56 vu my♥posts