In my final installment of Halloween treats, I'm going to compile some songs about Werewolves. I actually had a lot more Halloween-related posts I wanted to do, but lately I have not been home.
It began with the Greek mythology about Lycaon who was transformed into a wolf from eating human flesh. The term "werewolf" is based on old English, meaning "man-wolf".
In modern pop culture, the definitive portrayal of the Werewolf was by Lon Chaney Jr in "The Wolf Man" (1941).
Some characteristics of the Werewolves (all based on folklore): Once bitten by a Werewolf, that person also becomes a Werewolf. They turn into a Werewolf on a Full Moon. The only way to kill them is with a Silver bullet.
My favorite Werewolf movies are "Ginger Snaps". The first movie is about two teenage girls. It was brilliantly executed, paralleling the transformation to a Werewolf and going through puberty. The second movie does the same thing - only Werewolf/drug addiction. The third movie takes place in the past. All the sequels are very different from each other, in story and theme, but they are all about Werewolves.
Update: I was gonna add this yesterday, thought better of it, but Vu's convinced me... The Ginger Snaps theme, composed Michael Shields and available only on his website for free download. It's hauntingly good! Oh maybe I should also mention that the girl who played Bridget in the movie, Emily Perkins (shorter darked haired one), came to my Uni a couple years ago to give a lecture / q&a session on the show (all 3 of which we got to see free, though I'd seen the first before), then ran off with and married one of the Uni lecturers! And that thing about puberty is exactly what I though, but apparently it is just about lesbians. Who knew. - Christopher.
My favorite Werewolf song is - hands down - "Werewolf" by Cocorosie. Coco (Bianca Casady) and Rosie (Sierra Casady) are real-life sisters. They have released three albums through Touch and Go Records. I don't know which of the two is singing (probably Coco as her name goes first in their name), but she has this very interesting vocal style. It's like a weird accent, it reminds me a lot of Joanna Newsom[W♥M] |
Warren Zevon has perhaps the best-known song of this group, "Werewolves of London". The song has a comic feel to it and not to be taken too seriously. According to listeners' polls, on the Jeremy Vine show, the first verse is the #1 "Greatest Opening Song Line."
Running Wild are a German heavy metal band from the 80s. What you probably didn't guess is that this song (and many of their other songs) are in English. "Prowling Werewolf", in particular, is a pretty good song. It's more like a power rock song than metal. An interesting note about Running Wild, is that they became the world's first "Pirate Metal" band. They arrrrr still an active band. |
Speaking of cheesy 80s metal, this song "Werewolf in London" by London, was suggested by This Episode. The song is fairly typical of this genre: loud guitars and the lead singer can really scream. Incidentally, in doing research for this American band, I found out that there is a British band also called London. But they are better suited for this name, seeing as they do live in London... |
Harry and the Potters was previously mentioned on W♥M. I've never read any of the books, but I get the impression that one of Harry's teacher was turned in a Werewolf? This information is what I've derived from the song. As for Werewolves in Harry Potter, apparently there's only three in the series: Remus Lupin, unnamed character, and Fenrir Greyback. I've deduced that Lupin is the teacher by day and wolf at night. |
I didn't know about Jon Spencer Blues Explosion's "She Said" until Life in Ruins mentioned it. Listening to the lyrics, it's obvious now. The "She" in this song are words spoken by a Gypsy, who warns that the singer is a Werewolf: "you ain't a man no more, you're outta control. These wolf bites gonna find out what its like to lose your soul." |
Scary Bitches has a song called "Werewolf". Beyond that, I don't really know much about this British band. They seem to have a huge following in Germany, and are drenched in Goth-Rock. |
La Union's song "Lobo Hombre in Paris" is a Spanish song, sent in by Cristina. Since I don't understand Spanish, I just thought of that movie "An American Werewolf in Paris" - the sequel to "An American Werewolf in London". But I am assuming this song pre-date the 1997 film? |
The Dillinger Escape Plan's "Sunshine the Werewolf" is LOUD. It's too loud and hardcore and screamo for me to really enjoy. I figure if I was ever at one of their live show that I would go deaf instantly. However, before you start to turn down the volume, two minutes into the song and there is a nice break in the song. I still can't figure what the song has to do with Werewolves? |
Cristina also sent in this song "Werewolf on Wheels" by The Born Losers. I had a hell (haha) of a time looking for the album art for this album. It's a various artist album called Halloween Party. I had even a harder time finding any information about The Born Losers. This song is just an instrumental. I guess it's best imagined if you saw a hairy Werewolf on a motorcyle! |
Metallica's song "Of Wolf and Man" is essentially about a Werewolf. The song is loud and includes a some crazy guitar noodles half way into the song (this part makes me think of hair bands from the 80s!). My favorite line from the song is: "The company we keep/Roaming the land while you sleep". |
The (Motherf******) Browns are a punchy powerpunk band - similar to Blink 182. I thought this song was very poppy/fun band, and as their song title suggests, they really are based in Calgary, Canada. They're currently releasing their music on Meter Records. |
I have to say that I have rather enjoyed this song by Southern Culture on the Skids (SCOTS). The song simply is called "Werewolf". They kind of remind me of surf rock and has a very 70s feel to it (for a band that's in the mid-80s to 90s). |
Finally, remember that Cat Power song that was requested by a reader so long ago? Guess what? It's about a Werewolf! An interesting note about this song is that it's a cover! Originally written by Michael Hurley. Apparently Chan Marshall is a huge Hurley fan as she's also covered two of his other songs, "Sweedeedee" and "Troubled Water". |
10/31/2007 23:25:14
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