The Loose Salute, looks like are from England, but they are signed to Chicago's Graveface Records (who also signed The Appleseed Cast [W♥M Review] and Monster Movie). I believe this is their first album, Tuned to Love, and it's fantastic!
The band started a few years ago when the drummer, Ian McCutcheon, from Mojave 3, heard Lisa Billson singing to a Bob Dylan song while she was cooking at the Fortress Rehearsal Studios' cafe.
I checked their myspace page, because the official site is just a placeholder, and it seems they're only touring a few dates in the UK. I'll let you know if they're looking to tour the US, because I'm interested in seeing them live.
There are some strong tracks on this album: "Photographs and Tickets", "From Head to Sandy Toes" (catchy), "Through the Stratosphere to the Bars" (the bass sounds like T.Rex), and "Turn The Radio Up" (the best track). I think all these songs can be heard on their e-cards.
By the way, Ian also sings on this album, but he only appears in a few songs.
Trivia: All the artwork and drawings that appears on the Tuned to Love album is by Daryl Waller. I couldn't really find a lot of information on his website, other than that he graduated out of Royal College of Art and currently lives in London.
July 19, 2007 6:51 PM
[email protected]