..mhm.. wrote: Mar 5, 2007 at 2:32 PM
show me all that new exciting US music!
I've got nothing. Maybe someone else can take up the challenge, since the US bands I like, they all tries to sound like they're from the UK :/
Here's one called Grandaddy, who are from the nowheresville town of Modesto, California. I used to live around this area, so I was quite excited to see these 'local boys done good'. I'm sure you've all remember the big buzz around them back in late '99.
I can only describe them as 'pothead' music ... with a little bit of "progrock" (progressive rock). If you like the Flaming Lips, you'll probably really enjoy Grandaddy.
I saw them on tour a while back and was impressed with the show (lights and moving pictures) enough that I ended up buying their The Sophtware Slump album (their semi-aptly named second album). Spin Magazine called this the "The 10 Best Recordings of the Year - You Didn't Hear" in their Jan 2001 issue. Off tangent: What's Spin Magazine up to these days? I haven't thought they were cool since... well, nevermind, I never thought they were cool.
Speaking of magazines, Q Magazine picked their "He's Simple, he's Dumb, He's the Pilot" as their best of 2000 song, I would have to disagree because it's not a very ... energic song. The song I've picked out for you is "The Crystal Lake". The song, it sounds to me, as a desperate need to get out of a small town of Crystal Lake. But you can probably interpret it as just simply getting lost in the woods.
If you liked the Crystal Lake, you should also watch some very poor quality of Grandaddy on Jools Holland performing The Crystal Lake and Hewlett's Daughter.
PS I just wanted to mention that you can officially download The Garlands - You Never Notice Me, if you have a myspace account.