Fallout: Red Rocket Truck Stop (Mega)
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I should be conserving my cash, but I couldn’t help it when I saw the Fallout: Red Rocket Truck Stop Lego Mega Construx set. I had to buy it.
By now, you should know that I’m a massive Fallout fan, and own quite a few statues, figurines, clothing, and various knick-knacks. If it has a Fallout branding, I’m on top of it. I cannot get enough of it!
A couple of things you should know, Mega Construx, officially Mega Bloks, is now rebranded as simply “Mega”, not related to MAGA, is ironically based in Canada. They make Lego-style blocks or bricks. They’re Lego compatible, so you can mix and match… but generally I would prefer to keep it separated. If you’ve been keeping up with prices, these sets are not cheap.
In April 2020, during the pandemic, being stuck at home, I ended up spending $250 on a Mega Construx’s Castle Grayskull. This was a massive 3508-piece structure, and it was both the best and worst purchase decision I’ve ever made. They gave me two sets of bag A or something, so I was missing about 100 pieces for the face of Castle Grayskull. I ended up scraping together some of a patchy version, it looks OK to me, but it’s not what it is officially supposed to look at. That’s fine, it’s my unique Castle Grayskull. The only good news is that the extra bag A had the six figures that is exclusive to the Castle Grayskull set. So I had 12 figures! That’s the only bright side.
After that Castle Grayskull, I vowed to never spend that much money on Legos… even though I am looking at Snake Mountain Mega Construx set with wanting eyes. The current price is $150, which is, in my opinion, a decent price. But no! No! (I will likely change my mind once I get some money.)
Going back to the Red Rocket Truck Stop, I can tell you a few things, since I’m familiar with these Mega Contrux: they are highly detail. The figures are very articulated, considering how small they are. They have head, legs, hands, knees, and elbows joints… They’re great for posing, and I’ve used a few of these figures as drivers in my 1:24 scale Transformers or diecast cars. They are perfect for sitting, thanks to the knee joints.
The other nice features in this Red Rocket set is you a few figures: a vault dweller, a power armor, and Dogmeat. You also get tiny Nuka Cola bottle, a Quantum cola, and a bobblehead (this is incredibly detailed, like microprinting details). That kind of detail is pretty awesome. On top of that, you also get to build a Nuka Cola vending machine. The workshop has a removeable blueprint (you would only know this if you build this).
The only thing I didn’t like about this set is the RED ROCKET signage. I understand they were going for video game accuracy, but the way it is designed, it easily can fall off. Plus, I didn’t like how the D and the broken C didn’t look conformed (all the red letterings are on a different plane). I don’t know, it just doesn’t look good. I ended up changing a few things with some extra parts I had and so my Red Rocket doesn’t exactly look like how it’s supposed to be built.
Anyway, I’m pretty excited to see that Mega has also released a Power Armor six-pack ($30). I’m going to wait for a sale to buy those, I’m in no hurry to get them. They’re just Power Armors with different paint jobs… basically all the same figures. If that set included a girl vault dweller, a ghoul, a Super Mutant, or various wastelanders, I would totally buy it to populate my Red Rocket Gas Station!
If it sells well, and especially with Season 2 of Fallout being filmed (although delayed due to the California fire), I hope that Mega will release more sets. I wouldn’t mind something like a Deathclaw or Vertibird… or even an expensive massive Vault 101 set with a mountain face. I guess it would make sense if they released some sort of New Vegas-inspired set, seeing as Season 2 of Fallout will take place.
Red Rocket Gasoline Stop (Mega Construx Set)
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