Yup, that time of year again. Europe collectively moans, and the rest of you stare on in disbelief. So I missed the first half (oh, no, how could i...) and the Irish chicken never made it anyway. Still, here's a best of, and it's still going on so expect one or more new ones later...
Sebastien Tellier's Divine sounds a bit like Pulp crossed with the Beach Boys. How can he winlose ... win? Lose. Be positive Pepsi... France weren't quite so impressed and got in a right huff that he sung in English. Personally I'd be more worried about all the beards. Check out the Sexuality album it's from for a retro hit.
The first stand out track I saw, Diana Gurtskaya's "Peace Will Come" ain't so good in video form, but along with being one of many trying to goth it up this year, they were much better live. Maybe not those white headed twa... err... but how the hell'd they get changed so fast?
Bosnia & Herzegovina
Just caught this on the catch-up. If I didn't know any better I'd say it's the reformed Moldy Peaches. Lord knows they have enough press for it... anyway, it's actually just one guy, Elvir Laković aka. Laka, the song is Pokušaj, and it's damn good once you get past 1.30. Epic in a Baywatch titles kinda way.
- Christopher
Cat wrote:
Sat, May 24, 2008 at 5:24 PM
I love the woman who is co hosting. She's like a villian in some bad movie. And a classic moment when they bought out the old girl who won the first Eurovision.
And I can't remember who was singing but the dancers wearing white. The guys in long white shorts and long white socks. Too much. It's always like watching a school concert.
daljian wrote:
Sun, May 25, 2008 at 3:45 AM
Björn Gustafsson is his name.
He is an upcoming swedish comedian (Done only swedish stuff I think)
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