Doug Benson is a "potty" comedian, who has a live comedy album, Unbalanced Load, comes out today, August 4th on the ever funny Comedy Central Records.
If you enjoy slacker, toilet, and pot humor, then you're in Benson's demographic. His gimmick of using pot (previously starring in Marijuana-Logues and Super High Me) is actually pretty funny when he jokes about them, but they only appear briefly at the beginning with his introduction. One of the funnier joke was when he claimed that he signed on to do "Best Week Ever" because he misread it as "Best Weed Ever".
As for Super High Me, movie where he does the exact same thing as Super Sized Me, only with weed, he said he doesn't mind that people download his movies. The joke is that some guy uploaded the whole thing in 10 minutes sections on youtube.
Speaking of movies, I just learned that his other passion is watching movies. He kind of even pimp his I Love Movies Podcast during this live taping. He also devoted a whole segment to his Twitter. While this might sound refreshinging modern, it can also be incredibly dated in a few years when people move on.
My favorite joke is his misunderstanding of a heckler at his show and the Hoover Dam guide who keeps injecting jokes in his guide. Be sure to also stay to the very end with "Bonus Track!", where Benson throws in some material that didn't fit in his set.
I find that I don't revisit comedy CDs (only once in a long while do I put on an old comedy CD, it's not like music where you can revisit and hear something new), so I'll only recommend this if you really joke your pot jokes. In fact, it's probably best experienced "enhanced" if you have some....
You can get Unbalanced Load on Comedy Central or Amazon. If you're not high, I have noticed that you can find Comedy Central Records' releases at Target and Best Buy stores!
If you enjoy slacker, toilet, and pot humor, then you're in Benson's demographic. His gimmick of using pot (previously starring in Marijuana-Logues and Super High Me) is actually pretty funny when he jokes about them, but they only appear briefly at the beginning with his introduction. One of the funnier joke was when he claimed that he signed on to do "Best Week Ever" because he misread it as "Best Weed Ever".
As for Super High Me, movie where he does the exact same thing as Super Sized Me, only with weed, he said he doesn't mind that people download his movies. The joke is that some guy uploaded the whole thing in 10 minutes sections on youtube.
Speaking of movies, I just learned that his other passion is watching movies. He kind of even pimp his I Love Movies Podcast during this live taping. He also devoted a whole segment to his Twitter. While this might sound refreshinging modern, it can also be incredibly dated in a few years when people move on.
My favorite joke is his misunderstanding of a heckler at his show and the Hoover Dam guide who keeps injecting jokes in his guide. Be sure to also stay to the very end with "Bonus Track!", where Benson throws in some material that didn't fit in his set.
You can get Unbalanced Load on Comedy Central or Amazon. If you're not high, I have noticed that you can find Comedy Central Records' releases at Target and Best Buy stores!
08/04/2009 02:12:02 ♥ vu () ♥ ♥ ♥
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