 [1992] Ferment |
 [1993] Chrome |
 [1995] Happy Days |
 [1996] Like Cats and Dogs (compilation) |
 [1997] Adam and Eve |
 [2000] Wishville |
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So I got this announcement that Rob Dickinson is re-releasing Fresh Wine For Horses a second time. This version will include Nude EP as a bonus second disc.
Now, bands repackaging albums as deluxe or special editions are more commonplace, but they generally fall under a limited time frame, like perhaps an anniversary mark at five or ten years. Dickinson's original release for Fresh Wine For Horses was three years ago, a pretty odd number, but I guess he felt the time is right for another college try and planning on releasing the 2-disc set on June 10th.
The press release said that "End Of The World": "lifts shamelessly from the soundtrack to the British cult movie Withnail & I", a movie I have on Criterion DVD... Which I have to rewatch sometime. But listening to it, is it me, does the intro sounds a little bit like Laura Branigan's "Self Control"?
I have been meaning to do a write up on Catherine Wheel since W♥M started, but I felt that I'm not an expert when it comes to this band because I was so unfamiliar with their large body of work. I even had a massive Catherine Wheel fan make me compilation of their "best of" songs, but have failed to really get into it. I didn't dislike it, but I wasn't really into it, you know?
What I can tell you that I first came across this band with an edited version of "Black Metallic" from MTV's 120 Minutes. This was at a time when they were grouped (unfairly, I might add) with the shoegazing 4AD-type sound at the time.
After gaining a somewhat massive attention from the States with "Black Metallic" and "I Want to Touch You", I was fortunately enough to catch them on tour early in their career. The thing I remembered from this concert was the tiny elongated venue, the now-defunct Cadillac Club, in Fresno, California. They also made use of a smoke machine, which looked pretty awesome with lights. They also did an extra long 15 minute rendition of "Black Metallic", which I believe was the last song of the encore.
Although I wouldn't call myself a huge fan, I did like them enough to pick up Happy Days and Wishville on Yahoo Auction for about the cost of shipping, adding to my random collection of Catherine Wheel singles and promos.
Trivia: I just found out that Rob Dickinson's cousin is Bruce Dickinson, lead singer of Iron Maiden! Both Iron Maiden and Catherine Wheel are medieval torture devices.

Links: myspace.com/robdickinson