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The third season of You recently aired on Netflix and it got everyone talking about the series. So I decided to check out the first season (which originally aired on Lifetime).
The story is about this weird stalker, Joe, and his obsession with this girl, Guinevere Beck (who just goes by “Beck”). The majority of the show is seen through Joe’s eyes… in his eyes, he’s not doing anything wrong. He thinks he’s protecting Beck, but, in truth, he’s really a serial killer.
The Beck character is really an awful person, she is living this lie, her life is a mess, she has terrible friends, I’m not entirely sure why Joe was so obsessed with her. I guess love’s in the eye of the beholder.
The show reminds me a little of Dexter, a serial killer who kills other serial killers. Dexter’s father taught him his “code” and it’s that principle that makes Dexter who he is. In You, Joe also has a code, taught by the bookstore owner at an early age.
Part of the reason why the first season is so good is that it’s full of twists of turns. You never really know what the truth is and what is a lie. The other part is that it’s based on Caroline Kepnes’s You novel.
Since Kepnes wrote two other books, Hidden Bodies and You Love Me, I’m hoping Season 2 and 3 should be good too.
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Do you remember how I absolutely hated the final season to Dexter? I guess everybody hated the final season, so the show producers is going to do a do-over. The fresh start will be called Dexter: New Blood, and it will air on Showtime on November 7th, 2021. I can’t tell you how excited I am to see new Dexter content… especially, if it’s good. I guess we’ll find out this November.
If you don’t remember Season 8, which originally aired in 2013, the writers wrote him into a corner. Deb, Dexter’s step-sister, falls in love with him, which is so weird. What were the writers thinking?
In the end, Dexter disappears in a hurricane. The epilogue shows Dexter, working as a lumberjack. I thought New Blood was going to continue that storyline… but apparently this upcoming series will be totally different.
Star Michael C Hall explained the lumberjack thing was received negatively, so they decided New Blood was going to take a different direction. In fact, they don’t even want to call the new series Season 9.
Watching the trailer on YouTube, you see that Deb is back. She died in Season 8, sorry spoilers, so it looks like maybe she’s replaced Dexter’s dad as the new Dark Passenger. The trailer also shows Dexter’s son, so this should be quite interesting (although I don’t really like kid actors).
I hope Dexter: New Blood is good… and if it is, it will save the series for me, since Season 8 ended on such a bad note.
I’m just going to say it, I Know What You Did Last Summer television show from Amazon Prime is absolute trash. Just terrible. I know I’m not the audience for it, it’s meant for teenagers.
The movie I Know What You Did Last Summer was loosely based on the novel of the same name, but it definitely had similar vibe to Wes Craven’s Scream (both movie scripts were written by Kevin Williamson).
While the television series shares the same premise of the movie about a group of friends who accidentally killed someone in a car accident. Instead of going to the police, they decided to get rid of the body and keep this secret. A year later, after returning from college, the group of friends are stalked by someone who knows their terrible secret. The killer would write things like, “I know what you did last summer”, hence the title… the tv series is very different in its approach. I think it’s more based on the book, and I can’t tell if it’s the acting or the film making… but it is just not a good story.
Again, I think I’m just not the right audience for this show.
Rotten Tomatoes has less than 50% rating, some citing “the show's many plot holes and unsatisfying twists.”
vu ([email protected]) ♥ ♥ |