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Oddly enough, most Harry Potter fans are a little younger (and avid book readers)… so organizing the event on a school night (Thursday!), and at a biker’s bar, seems out of place for the beloved franchise. Basically, wrong time and wrong venue for Potter fans. Having said that, there is a market for older Potter fans, interested in drinking beer and meeting other fans at a dance party with a live DJ.
Upcoming Wizard Fest Events:
09/29 WizardFest Joe's on Weed St. Chicago, IL
09/30 Wizard Fest at Blind Pig, MI
10/01 Harry Potter Party Buffalo!, NY
10/03 Harry Potter Party in Syracuse
10/04 Harry Potter Party Albany, NY
10/05 Harry Potter Party Long Island, NY
10/07 Wizard Fest New Jersey Crossroads
10/10 WizardFest - Harry Potter Party San Antonio, TX
10/11 Wizard Fest Corpus Christi TX
10/12 Harry Potter Party Dallas! Trees TX
10/13 Harry Potter Party Houston! Scout Bar Houston, TX
10/14 Harry Potter Party New Orleans! The Willow LA
10/17 Harry Potter Party Cincinnati! Bogart's
10/18 Harry Potter Party - Pittsburgh! Jergels PA
10/19 Wizard Fest: Harry Potter Party Stanhope, NJ
10/20 NYC Harry Potter Dance Party Cruise! Pier 36
10/20 Wizardfest nyc 2018 New York, NY