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I've been obsessed with Mest forever. They were one of the first bands that really got me into music. I remember a time when they were literally all I would listen to. I just couldn't stop. I was addicted. Years have gone by and my music tastes have changed but there are some days where I can't resist a little throwback and find myself only listening to Mest again. I never, in my wildest dreams, thought I would be able to see this band live. It's been awhile since they have put any music out and honestly, I don't know of many people who have even thought about this bands since the heights of the pop-punk movement back in the early 2000's.
When their show got announced, I almost cried. I was finally going to get my chance to see Mest. Not only that, but they were on a line-up with Hawthorne Heights and The Ataris who just so happen to be some of my other favorite bands from when I was growing up. So not only did I get to see Mest... I got to see Mest with a bunch of other bands that meant so much to me when I was younger while being surrounded with people who were just as excited as I was to have this opportunity.
I was truly lost in a world of nostalgia. I wasn't 26 and struggling to pay the bills. No, last night I was 14 without a care in the world.
It has been awhile since I listened to a full Mest album but as soon as they started their set, I knew every single lyric. I knew what lyrics they would change the words to because I used to obsess over their "The Show Must Go Off" live concert DVD. I instantly remembered everything along with the feelings that the music gave me growing up. There were certain songs that literally had me teary eyed. I caught myself thinking about friends that I hadn't talked to since high school just because the music took me right back to that time and place.
The second I started digging in my purse for my eyeglass case, my roommate knew exactly what was going on. I was gone. I threw my purse into her hands, handed off my beer and b-lined for the front. I've become calmer at concerts than I once was. I tend to stay out of the mosh pit so I can keep an eye on everything that's going on. I didn't care what was happening last night. I went straight up to the front and started screaming and jumping. I had no control over what I was doing. I honestly had no clue what I was doing. But it felt so right and felt like what needed to be done.
I don't remember much from Friday night. I know that I completely lost it when Tony Lovato, the singer of Mest, put his arm around him for a picture. I wanted to scream and cry and smile all at the same time.
Mest at Amsterdam Bar & Hall, St Paul (18 March 2016) |