Tour Dates
20 Oct 2015 Fubar, St Louis, MO
21 Oct 2015 Riot Room, Kansas City, MO 22 Oct 2015 89th Street, Oklahoma City, OK 23 Oct 2015 Prophet Bar Elm Street, Dallas, TX 24 Oct 2015 Empire Control Room, Austin, TX 25 Oct 2015 Scout Bar, Houston, TX Read More
Must Be The Holy Ghost
Must Be The Holy Ghost (MBTHG) is a one man band (two if you count the analog visual psych projector artist Evan Hawkins). Jared Draughon, the musician, does amazing things with looping pedals. If you were just listening to the music, I honestly don't think you would know that it was all coming out of one man. I've seen looping pedals live millions of times but I've never seen them utilized like this and give such an awesome sound. The layers of the music were numerous but not muddy. Although the sound was on the softer side, it was full of energy. It was amazing to see Jared work his magic on the pedal board and what not but what was more captivating was the live art going on.
Last night, like I said, took live art to a whole new level. The second the projector on the cart was set up in front of the stage, I was intrigued. I stood there wondering where in the hell you would even get one of these in this day and age. I wondered what they were going to do with it. When first turned on, the projector only showed the band's name along with a stained glass looking design underneath it. I was frustrated because I thought that's all they were going to use it for. I mean, I get that it's a creative way to display your band's name but all of that work for just that? Boy, was I wrong!
The second the music started, Hawkins started and had the whole crowd in awe. He used a simple concoction of what seemed to be water, oil, and food coloring to make one of the most beautiful backgrounds I have ever seen. He carefully used eye droppers to drop colors onto a plate on top of the projector and then washed them out with oil and water. This created an almost bubble like effect not only across the screen that was pulled down behind Jared, but also on Jared's plain white t-shirt.
The art seemed to move with the music. Hawkins would use a plate to "squish" the color mixture he had going. As he raised and lowered this plate, the bubbles would move to the beat. He also used plastic tubing to blow into the mixture making the colors and bubbles swirl. It is really hard to describe what was happening but trust me when I say that it was truly awesome. At the same time, there were times where I caught myself not paying attention to the music and more just to what was going on behind the screen. That was such a shame because what I did catch music-wise was absolutely amazing.
He Is Legend was the headlining act last night, although I truly think MBTHG really stole the show. He Is Legend is always a fun band to see. This was my fourth or fifth time seeing them and they have yet to let me down. Their music is heavy but in a fun way. It is what I like to call "party metal" because, although there are metal aspects, it truly just makes you want to get up and dance. Lead singer Schuylar Croom is always entertaining to watch on stage. He is never standing still and is able to get everyone in the crowd moving along with him. They played some old songs last night that I had yet to see them play live so I was super excited. They also played some new songs that had the small, but humble, crowd excited.
He Is Legend will end their October tour on the 25th at Scout Bar in Houston, Texas.
He Is Legend at Studio B, Minneapolis (18 October 2015) |