Tour Dates
10/17/15 Foam Wonderland
10/19/15 Lincoln, NE Bourbon Theatre 10/20/15 Iowa City, IA Blue Moose Tap House 10/21/15 Tulsa, OK Cain's Ballroom 10/22/15 San Marcos, TX Marc 10/23/15 Albuquerque, NM Historic El Rey Theater 10/24/15 Broomfield, CO 1stBank Center 10/30/15 Escape All Hallows' Eve 10/31/15 Pharr, TX Boggus Ford Events Center 11/12/15 Newcastle O2 Academy Newcastle 11/13/15 London The Forum 11/14/15 Manchester Albert Hall 02/10/16 Holy Ship! 02/11/16 Holy Ship! 02/12/16 Holy Ship! 02/13/16 Holy Ship! Read More
Flux Pavilion is an English dubstep DJ, currently on his "Tesla Tour", in support of his latest Tesla album (Circus Records). The bass at the show last night was loud enough to make your whole body vibrate. It was a techno like show but in a rave like setting. There were glow sticks, furry boots, light up gloves, light up hula hoops, and so much more. It was sensory overload.
There were four stages of lights and music. Each stage, although sounding the same, had a completely different feel to it. I went to this show with someone who knows a lot of people in this scene. Because of that, we spent more time wandering between stages than just standing at one because he wanted to see all of his friends who were spinning. I loved the fact that we got to wander around the whole night because I feel like it gave me more of a chance to take it all in.
There was a stage going in Studio B which is where I was for the Comeback Kid show just a couple of weeks ago. It was strange to be in this room because the atmosphere was completely different from what I was used to for this space. Although the stage is small, the area is not. The front of the room was full of people dancing and grinding all over the place. The back of the room was occupied by kids with light up hula hoops, fiber-optic whips, glow sticks, and many other items that lit up. It seemed to have me completely captivated. The music in Studio B was loud and upbeat and, although I was assuming the position of a wallflower, I couldn't help but move around to the beat a little bit.
There was a stage behind Studio B and a stage upstairs near the balcony of the main room where kids seemed to be more interested in sitting, drinking, and passing out than any of the other rooms. We didn't spend much time in these rooms but that was mainly due to the sound and crowd being much more subdued. These rooms didn't hold me hostage like Studio B or the main room.
The main room at the Skyway Theatre is a giant, gutted out movie theater. There is the floor space and a balcony. Both areas were packed to the brim with bodies as this was a sold out show. We ended the night in the main room so I could see the one and only Flux Pavilion.
Flux Pavilion went on around 12:45 AM and ended up playing until right at bar close at 2 AM. I had completely lost track of time and as soon as he started, I forgot how tired I was and how late it was. His music is upbeat and makes you want to dance. Let me be the first to admit, I have no clue how to dance. Throw me in a mosh pit and I can hold my own and look like the rest of the crowd. Throw me into a crowd last night and I truly have no clue what to do with my body, hands, feet, anything. All I could do was bounce up and down with my arms up. I did my best to mimic the rest of the crowd but I'm pretty sure I stuck out like a sore thumb.
The music never lost its energy and neither did the crowd. There was not a boring moment during Flux's set. If you didn't like the beat he was playing, all you had to do was watch the amazing light show that was going on. If you were bored by the lights, all you had to do was watch the crowd. No matter what you thought of the music, there was something to keep you entertained. It was hard for me to take everything in. I loved the music, was held hostage by the light show and was trying to keep an eye on the interesting audience.
Last night wasn't about the music for majority of the crowd last night, but for me, it was all about the music and the people watching. It was sensory overload and a completely different world. I loved every minute of it.
Flux Pavilion at Skyway Theatre, Minneapolis (16 October 2015) |