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Note: All the questions were from memory/on the fly, so please excuse me if I got some information or some dates wrong. Regrettably I am pretty sure I do not have all the singles/EPs, but I have a lot of them (see photograph at the bottom). S*M*A*S*H was not known at all at the time, and I only discover the band when my friend Melinda was KFSR's music director at the time gave me a copy of Self Abused album for review. I would later obsessively track down any singles and EPs I could get my hands on. Remember, this was before the internet, so getting the right information was hard to come by.
Vu's S*M*A*S*H Collection
Here is a photograph of some S*M*A*S*H singles and vinyl in my collection. I also just bought (Without Regret) via iTunes, so I can't really show that off.
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