Three of Clubs Spring Tour 2014
Three of Clubs Spring Tour
04/14/14 Denver, CO Marquis Theater
04/15/14 Salt Lake City, UT Shred Shed 04/17/14 Vancouver, BC Biltmore Cabaret 04/18/14 Seattle, WA The Crocodile 04/21/14 San Francisco, CA The Independent 04/23/14 West Hollywood, CA Troubadour 04/24/14 San Diego, CA Club 5th Avenue Read More
Little Daylight
Nikki Taylor, in a sleek evening dress, was pretty interactive with the crowd. Sometime she would get the audience to dance by saying things like, "I won't judge you," which encouraged a few fans to jump to the front to dance away.
They ended their brief set with "Overdose," the lead track from their EP Tunnel Vision (Capitol Records). Surprisingly the audience started chanting "One more song!" and "Encore!"
Flagship's soundcheck and stage setup took nearly an hour, going well passed their originally set time of 9:30pm. I am assuming the long setup was due to sound problems with their guitarist's mic and also the various stage light and light bulbs. Although I did appreciate the extra lights, it ultimately did not justify the hour long wait, in my opinion.
Highlight of their set was "Still I Wait," a song about a girl that broke Margolnick's heart.
They ended their set with "The Fool," which got help from Terraplane Sun's trombone player Gabe Feenberg.
Terraplane Sun took the stage a little after 11pm, apologizing for the delay. The self-described "blues indie rock folk dance soul" California band did not seem to mind a drunken fan, who often invaded the stage to take center spotlight. Personally, I believe the stage is reserved for the performers, not goofballs, so this person/fan was a massive distraction for me.
A few highlights for me, probably their new song called "Weekend", and also the finale song of "Get Me Golden." On the latter song, singer, Ben Rothbard, suggested we should "boogie to this song."
The latest Three of Clubs Spring Tour 2014, with Little Daylight, Flagship, and Terraplane Sun, will be ending this April.
Terraplane Sune at Triple Rock Social Club, Minneapolis (04/12/14) |