NO is playing Minneapolis TONIGHT. Special thanks to singer Bradley Hanan Carter for providing these answers below:
1. I would imagine with a name like "NO", how difficult it would be to promote yourself and make yourself known. Has this been a problem for you guys?
When Sean [Stentz] and I first chose the name, the last thing on our mind was the internet or how people would search for us, perhaps we should have been smarter... but honestly with our Instagram and YouTube being just NO it's working out okay!
2. You've recently played SXSW 2014 (your third time?), tell me about these experiences. Was is all fun and no work?
This SX was a largely relaxed experience compared to our first couple years. There was a lot less frantic running around between shows, and it was really nice seeing people coming out to see us from all over the world. We found this little whiskey bar party hiding off 6th street for the last couple days. It was so quiet and had soothing music playing, so we escaped there a few times to down some old-fashioned's.
3. With the sudden influx of notable alt-indie bands from Echo Park and L.A. and if there is anything there, that's encouraging this?
I don't think any of us noticed it till people pointed it out. So many of my friends there are in bands that work so hard, and we all play a lot of shows together or help each other out with recording or lending gear or artwork or what not... It's a real community, and we are proud to be a part of it.
4. What was it like to play on national television (Carson Daly)?
That performance was actually at a show where we were on a tour supporting The Naked And Famous, it didn't really feel any different to a normal show, but I bet that being on Fallon or Letterman or something in a studio, that must be an interesting feeling!
5. Tell me about El Prado (18 February 2014), your latest record from Arts & Craft. What is it like to work with a Canadian record label?
They are kind of like a big family, and the most hard working and supportive people. They really believe in what we are doing and have let us be as creative as we like in all that we do. We just played Toronto a couple nights ago, and a ton of Arts & Crafts fans and friends came out to the show, it felt pretty cool to be welcomed into their community like that.
You can check out that big family love with NO, The Darcys, and Reuben and the Dark, tonight at the 7th Street Entry in Minneapolis. Follow NO's Instagram and YouTube.
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