Metric Setlist Read More Rock The Garden is an annual music festival organized by Walker Art Center and The Current 89.3. As far as I can tell, the popular music festival usually sells out as soon as it is announced to the public because the tickets …
The outdoor festival had a rocky start with heavy, heavy rain. Dan Deacon started off schedule because of the weather, and he decided at the last minute to move his set to the smaller garage area.
photo from John
photo from John
Rounding out the rest of his set (after "Hoover Dam") were songs from his recent album, Silver Age, including "Star Machine", "The Descent", "Round the City Square", "Steam of Hercules", and "Keep Believing".
photo from John
As expected, the majority of their set is from Neck of the Woods ("Skin Graph", "Bloody Mary (Nerve Endings)", "Busy Bees", "Mean Spirits", "Dots and Dashes (Enough Already)"), but, clearly the crowd's favorite song was their set closer, "Lazy Eye" from Carnavas.
The majority of their set is from their last album, Synthetica ("Artificial Nocturne", "Youth Without Youth", "Speed The Collapse", "Dreams So Real", "Synthetica", and "Breathing Underwater"), which I'll have to say now that I've gotten a chance to listen to it, that I can really appreciate hearing them live now.
The last two were my favorite double-wammy from Fantasies: "Gold Guns Girls," and "Gimme Sympathy". "Sympathy" was done with just acoustic guitars from James Shaw with Emily Haines providing the vocals. By the end of the song, the entire audience was singing these words: "Come on, baby, play me something, like, 'Here Comes the Sun'."
Metric at the Rock the Garden, Minneapolis (06/15/13) |