“Tuesday night New York dance party!” Matt declared towards the beginning of their show at Webster Hall. That about summed up the atmosphere in the large venue, where a sea of people all jumped up and down in unison and occasionally supported an over-zealous crowdsurfer. Like the band itself, the show ran on a ridiculous amount of energy and good cheer. They opened with the child-like wonder anthem, “I Wanna,” and blazed through several other fan favorites, like “5K” and “Good Ol’ Fashioned Nightmare” in a matter of minutes. Their songs have always been on the short side, but they stretched it out with funny interludes involving familiar beats and melodies (IE: Sugar Hill Gang’s “Apache”). The audience joined in on “Lessons Learned,” adding their own “da da das” along with Kim’s.
The interaction between Matt and Kim provided much of the entertainment as well, as they have their stage banter down to a quasi-comedic act. Matt joked about everything from the semi-plausible Matt and Kim porno to his Justin Beiber-like bangs, while Kim cursed like a sailor. They enthralled the audience with pseudo-gymnastics, climbing on everything from stools, to ladders, to Kim’s drumset. It was endearing to watch them during songs as well, still grinning maniacally each other, as if they still can’t believe they’re up there, playing their own songs. After all, it’s a big leap from loft parties to Webster Hall.
 ♥ Matt and Kim at Webster Hall, New York City (10/26/10)