Happy Halloween, kids! This is my favorite time of year, I mean when else can you dress up like Bozo the Clown and NOT get looks like you're a weirdo?
Unlike last year's mega Halloween blast of articles, I will admit that I've been really busy with other stuff. Namely Fallout 3, which is taking up loads of my time.
So far, I've reached Level 6, and striving to become a "sniper" with most of my skill points in Perception, Agility and Strength. I have zero (actually the lowest is a 1) in Charisma, so my dialogue option is very limited. But who needs to be a charmer when you can shoot a Super Mutant in the head at 95%?
I'm loving the game, it looks gorgeous and I think it actually works really well as a first-person, as opposed to its previous turn-based isometric view.
The turn-based thing does exist in the new Fallout, but it's now called V.A.T.S. and you freeze time to target the enemy. I haven't figure out how to build up "action points" while in this mode, but it's amazingly gruesome when you destroy an enemy with a critical shot (we are talking a lot of decapitations).
Some bad news though, the game have high requirements to run on a computer, but it should fare fine on the PS3 and Xbox360 (however I should point out that the computer offers much more higher resolution gameplay due to turning on anti-aliasing up to 8x or high res texture). Also, you can no longer target the groin as an option :/
Still, this is such a great game. It's fun and it doesn't feel repetitive and you're never bored. Plus it's 10x better than Oblivion, especially because the enemies does not level up with you - so you feel like you're accomplishing something when you've invested all these experience points...
Anyway, back to music, here is another cover lover songs - but with a Halloween theme:
roygandthebiv.com ♥ myspace.com/roygandthebiv I was offered some music review for Roy G and the Biv, but due to lack of time, I could not commit to it. Please continue to contact me regarding music submissions, I'm more than happy to look it over, although I can't promise anything. So, in case you were wondering about the name 'Roy G. Biv', it's actually the acronymn of the colors of the rainbow: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet. I thought it was pretty clever (and gay), so I did end up listening to this duo's EP. The one song that did catch my attention (that's not on their EP, but you can download this song for free on his myspace) is the cover song of Rockwell's "Somebody's Watching Me", which long-time readers will remember that I've mentioned the original song before. The cover is pretty faithful, yet with their own guitar/keyboard mix to it. It's at time too synthy and the mix seems to overpower the vocals, but I reckon it's fine as it's their take on the song. It's not really my thing, but I will bet that Kate would really love this band, as she's expressed her love for synthpop duos, (such as Cromeo) in our podcast #30 show. |
maryshelleyoverdrive.blogspot.com ♥ myspace.com This South Carolina band is making all three of their EPs available for free via their website. I wanted to mention them today, for the obviously Frankenstein author. I will admit to download all of the EPs to check out, but have only listened to a few songs for sample - they seem to me like industrial-surf-DJ music. That description probably doesn't make a whole lot of sense until you listen to it. The vocals style reminds me of Rob Zombie. I was going to use their "The Lament of Janos Skorzeny", but being a cover lover, I did really enjoy their White Stripes cover "The Hardest Button to Button". It looks like the band just released their self-titled debut album. The description via their website lists:
Links: www.weheartmusic.com