I've previously mentioned Lykke Li on W♥M, mostly because of her US tour, I finally got her Little Bit EP for review.
Sadly, I didn't get a chance to check out the "hugely successful, sold-out tour" (according to her latest press release) of the three Swede tour-de-force of El Perro Del Mar, Lykke Li, and Anna Ternheim, but I know a few people that saw them. Among them, Hieronymus wrote:
Swedish Tour
May 12, 2008 at 10:25 PM(excerpt)
Anna was followed by Lykke Li, who opened up the sound quite a bit. Adding a drummer and keyboardist, Lykke showed some serious dance chops, with some great beats and plenty of energy. It was funny, as we were talking with someone in the audience before Lykke came out and he wanted to know about El Perro, who he wasn't familiar with, while we were in the opposite boat, having never heard Lykke Li before. Lykke later came out to accompany El Perro Del Mar.
It looks like she's returning to the US again, so maybe you guys can have a second chance, although, once again, only in limited cities. She seems to be doing a lot of festivals, judging from her tour schedule.
The songs on Little Bit EP has a very low-key sound, a little mix of electronics and strange sounds. The title track, "Little Bit" has elements of experimental new wave pop (all the sounds looks like it was produced on a korg keyboard).
"Time Flies" is too moody for me, but I felt "Everybody But Me" and "Dance, Dance, Dance" were more of my taste: dark lyrics, sung like Bjork and backed by creepy music. Take a look at these lyrics that seems to suggest Li isn't like everybody else:
When everybody's dancing (I don't want to)
When everybody's joking (I don't want to)
When everybody's laughing (I don't want to) Everybody but me
Or that she's bashful and coy:
Easy conversations, there's no such thing
No I'm shy, shy, shy
My hips they lie 'cause in reality I'm shy, shy, shy
Little Bit EP is out now, while her debut album, Youth Novels (which I suppose is already out in Europe) will be made available in the US on August 19th on her own label, LL Recordings, followed by a short tour dates through more popular US cities.