No! This is not as dirty as it sounds (boingboing readers you know what I mean). Although she does seem to garner just as provocative comments... but as I'm sure she'd say this is not how the SweetAfton23 rolls.
Following a tip off from one W. B. Mook in the comments of my last Ukulele based post, here's another hot girl strumming items off amusement for you to ogle over. Or be impressed by the musical talents, whatever moves ya. Anyway, the Afton, as she will henceforth be known, plays a lot of covers on a Ukulele and posts videos of said musical prowess on the YouTubernets. I'm unsure as to whether there's any thought as to which covers she does, generally it just seems to be whatever will sound most amusing.
So... we have gems like [Afton's cover of] System Of A Down's "Chop Suey" (geez i just watched the vid, sounds like a shit cover of the Afton's far greater performance, thank god I never had my sister's taste in metal...), [Afton's cover of] Jonathan Coulton's "Tom Cruise Crazy" (some internet thing...) and what can only be described as One Girl, One Uke, One Thousand Attempts - [Afton's cover of] "Mr Fancy Pants" [Afton cover] (also by JC, I'm seeing a pattern here... is he some kinda Uke god?).
But here for your viewing pleasure is by far the greatest of all, Britters - Toxic. You know, there should be an easy joke there, but I'm not that mean... Ah hit play already. Any bets on how long it takes Vu to cross the ocean and slap me upside the head whilst screaming "this is a SERIOUS music site! stop itttt!" ?