I caught a brief glimpse at "Новый год" (New Year) on Rocketboom and was so amused by this Russian boy-band, that I had to find out more information on them.
First of all, the band is called Стеклоvата (Steklovata), and they are from Estonia, not Russia (but they speak and sings in Russian).
All of their music is available for download on (their official?) the website gosdetstvo.ru. Since I don't speak Russian (and none of the websites out there that had any information were written in English) it was kind of difficult to figure out who they were.
Here are some facts I was able to gather: they were the project of mastermind composer/creator Sergei Kuznetsov (Сергей Кузнецов). At first he only had one singer, Dienis Bielikin (Денис Беликин), but added Artur Jeriemiejew (Артур Еремеев) to the team. I believe both boys were aged 13.
They released three albums between 2001 to 2005, and ultimately are no longer together... but I suspect they are still making music under different groups and projects.
What's interesting about "Новый год" is that video features two additional singers, I believe one of them is called Siergiej Diadiun (Сергей Дядюн) and the other is not known to me. It is definitely not Kuznetsov, as he appears on one of their album cover and he appears to be over the age of 40.
I would really appreciate if any readers could provide me with additional information on this Eurodisco boy-band.
03/01/2008 10:02:04
Dereks wrote:
Wed, Mar 5, 2008 at 6:31 AM
[this is good] Oh-ho-ho-ho))))))
Well, since I Russian is literally my second native language (Ukraine is fully bilingual), I can tell you a lot.
Basically, I don't know who exactly discovered them, but on the Runet, they became something like a big meme. Like Tay Zonday's Chocolate Rain.
You know, in general they are nothing special at all. They band is just another example of "Ласковый Май" (Laskoviy May / Gentle May) trend that exploded at the down of the USSR era. Laskoviy May was purely commercial project. One producer created a band of orphan boys with very tearful luscious glossy lyrics. In general it was a normal success of another pop-band. But since all the boys were of pre-pubertal age, all of them had almost similar high voices. You just needed another boy under the age of 12 with basic musical skills and he would sound indistinguishable from the original "Laskoviy Maj". Thus by the end of the 80's there were literally dozens of same bands of orphan boys performing all over Russia. Sometimes they even went under the same names.
So Steklovata is part of that "orphan-band" movement, which still sometimes emerges in small province cities. But their feature, that turned them into a meme is their name. Steklovata in Russian means "glass wool". As you see, it's nothing sweet and glossy in that title. Moreover, they have a song, which goes under the same title. The lyrics in translation are something like that:
It's all your own fault, you're thorny like glass wool, glass wool, glass wool, our love turned to be evil, 'cause you're like glass wool.
Also they are using some elements of low-class language, criminal slang, which also promoted them to their success (in terms of becoming a meme, of course).