I just received the press release stating that Rancid are back in the studio to record a new album:
The incomparable punk band Rancid began recording today in a studio on the California coast with long-time friend, producer and label president Brett Gurewitz, who has worked with Rancid on virtually every record in their extensive, accomplished career.
But a new Rancid record is different -- something special, never hasty or perfunctory, as their fervent, untiring fans have learned over the years. A Rancid record is an organic thing, not cultivated, but rather harvested wild; filled to the brim with all the living done in between stints in the studio. This record will be no different. Sweated over, hammered out and brought forth, the yet-untitled release will have all the hard knocks and big wins of lives lived prodigiously.
As you know, Rancid formed from Operation Ivy (a Ska/Punk band) and debut their record on Epitaph Record (the label that was started by Brett Gurewitz of Bad Religion). Epitaph had a string of hits in the 90s, including some of their best known releases: Rancid's Let's Go, NOFX's Punk in Drublic, and Offspring's Smash (16 million copies sold) - all in a short span of time in 1994.
Rancid, always seems to me as pretty much Operation Ivy Part 2, as their singer, Lars Frederiksen Tim Armstrong, as that kind of kind of skank garble singing style.
I'm including one of their better-known songs, "Salvation". I think that "whoa-whoaaa" part is pretty catchy.
Anyway, it seems that they are currently on Hell Cat Records. Expect a tour shortly after its release, in the meantime, keep an eye out on www.rancidrancid.com
Further Reading |
Speaking of tours, I also got an announcement that Nada Surf is going to go on tour at the end of the month through April in support of their album, Lucky. I have a review copy, which I'll be sending to Kristin for review. If you recall, she originally reviewed Nada Surf's Popular.
I will also be requesting W♥M staffers for concert reviews (so send me a note if you're interested in attending any of these show dates).
1/30: Seattle, WA @ Triple Door[1]
1/31: Portland, OR@ Doug Fir[1]
2/02: San Francisco, CA @ Swedish American Hall[1]
2/07: Brooklyn, NY @ Music Hall of Williamsburg
2/08: New York, NY @ Bowery Ballroom
3/17 – 3/29 – Little Ones support
4/1 – 4/13 – What Made Milwaukee Famous support w/ the exception of NYC
3/17: Tempe, AZ @ Clubhouse
3/18: San Diego, CA @ House of Blues
3/19: Los Angeles, CA @ Henry Fonda Theater
3/21: Pomona, CA @ Glass House
3/22: San Francisco, CA @ Fillmore
3/25: Sacramento, CA @ Harlow's
3/28: Seattle, WA @ Showbox at The Market
3/29: Vancouver, CA @ Commodore Ballroom
4/01: Englewood, CO @ Gothic Theatre
4/02: Omaha, NE @ Waiting Room
4/03: Minneapolis, MN @ First Avenue
4/04: Chicago, IL @ Metro
4/05: Detroit, MI @ St. Andrews Hall
4/07: Toronto, CA @ Opera House
4/8: Montreal, CA @ Club Soda
4/10: Boston, MA @ Paradise
4/11: New York, NY @ Terminal 5
4/12: Washington, DC @ 9:30 Club
4/13: Philadelphia, PA @ Trocadero
[1] w/ Port O'Brien - Acoustic
For more information, please refer to www.nadasurf.com and their label, Barsuk Records.
01/14/2008 21:05:29
JGS wrote:
Jan 18, 2008 6:29 PM
Not to be pedantic... oh, who am I kidding - to be totally pedantic, Tim Armstrong is the singer with the 'skank garble singing style' - he's also the one who was in Op Ivy. Lars also sings on some songs, but he has a much more shouty 'punk' style.
And Hellcat records is Tim's label, so it's safe to say Rancid will be on that label for a while...