So you like Beck and was thinking about picking up Odelay (1996). Well don't! Wait until January 29, 2008, because there's a Deluxe 2-disc version coming out. More details on our press page, featuring our new embed W♥M audio!
Excerpt from the press release:
Disc One of Odelay - Deluxe Edition adds to that original album two never before heard Dust Brothers-produced tracks from the Odelay sessions, "Inferno" and "Gold Chains," and "Deadweight" from the film A Life Less Ordinary. Disc Two's 16 selections include "Thunder Peel," co-produced by Mario Caldato Jr.; the U.N.K.L.E. (featuring James Lavelle) remix of "Where It's At," and Aphex Twin and Mickey P. remixes of "Devil's Haircut" (titled "Richard's Hairpiece" and "American Wasteland," respectively). Also heard are the once international-only b-sides "Clock," "Electric Music and The Summer People," "Lemonade," "SA-5," "Feather In Your Cap," "Erase The Sun," "000.000," "Brother," "Trouble All My Days," "Strange Invitation," "Devil Got My Woman," (a cover of the Skip James classic recorded at the original Sun Studios in Memphis before they closed their doors) and "Burro" -- a Spanish language version of Jackass recorded with a mariachi band.
Like many of you, I already own the original album. There are some really good songs off of Odelay, including "Devil's Haircut", "The New Pollution", and "Sissyneck".
In other Beck news, he's recently been nominated as "Best Solo Rock Performance" at the 50th Annual Grammy Awards.
12/21/2007 08:53:24 vu my♥posts
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