Anyone speak latin ? Supposedly, "toto coelo" means "completely" or "entirely". This is where the band got their name.
They were the original Spice Girls, assembled together by producer Barry Blue, these five girls took the world with their 80s hit, "I Eat Cannibals".
They renamed themselves Total Coelo in the States, to avoid confusion and possible lawsuit from the already established band, Toto.
There's really nothing else to say about them, except this is the only song I knew from them. Back in the 80s, I remember analyzing their 7" single cover. The five girls all wore these costumes made of garbage bags. They look trashy :)
- Bonus: Download the full mix: I Eat Cannibals (Parts 1 & 2) - 7:11 mins, which was original available on the 12" release of "I Eat Cannibals", but later on the Best of compilation I Eat Cannibals & Other Tasty Trax (1996).
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