Yo, any Northwesterners here to represent?
I lived in Olympia, Washington for a few years and will be moving back next month. To prepare myself for reintegration, I’ve been getting back into the Northwest sounds. One of my personal favorites is Mirah. But, recently I’ve gotten into the electro-poppy sounds of The Blow. Khaela Maricich (former member of The Microphones, visual artist, woman of the world) hooked with Jona Bechtolt (only member of YACHT, Urban Honking co-creator, man of the town) for the LP Paper Television (2006).
The catchiest tune on the album would be, by far, ‘Pile of Gold.’ When I heard this song I realized what a treasure it was I was sitting on and decided to get to a bank post haste. All the songs on the album are a pleasure, really, and I have fallen in love with each one separately and change weekly which one to have on repeat.
As I mentioned previously, Jona goes by the pseudonym YACHT for his musical creations. Just this year he came out with the album I Believe In You. Your Magic is Real. The title is a combination of the names of two separate songs on the CD. The song I chose to share, “So Post ‘Em All”, is off of this new album which I would call a lo-fi electronic fiasco. I’ve neglected to mention some talented NW artists who I hope to cover in later posts.
Bonus track: For other Mirah enthusiasts out there, here’s a mix YACHT did of her song “Make It Hot.” It’s called the Over and Over version for good reason.