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I'm sure you have all heard of LCD Soundsytem's "Daft Punk is Playing at my House" (listen to the original: shugobot and the remix: xanadistic & devin306).
Have you heard of this song called "LCD Soundsystem is Playing at my House"? I thought it was a cover song, but it's more like an electro-dance-stripper song. It's actually a pretty good song, I put it on a compiliation CD mix to a friend and he couldn't stop listening to this track.
The song is by a Suicide Girl called Tying Tiffany, from Italy. I was doing "research" on the suicide girls website and I noticed that she posted on her blog on March 21, 2007 @ 08:05 AM that her new album is done and that it will be released by I Scream Records. I couldn't see the album artwork (if that is the picture she posted?) because I don't have a paid account.
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